

By: Pat Lund

September 2020

Wellness is the ability to be healthy in body mind and spirit.  It is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy, fulfilling and balanced life style.  It is more than being free from illness.  It involves a disciplined change and growth towards a state of physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing.

To maintain an optimum level of  wellness it is necessary to live a higher quality of life.  It matters because everything we do and every emotion we experience relates to our wellbeing, both emotionally and physically.  In the same way our wellbeing  directly affects our actions and emotions.

Emotional wellness is about selfcare which includes relaxation, stress reduction and development of inner strength.  To understand and accept ourselves be able to successfully cope with the challenges that life brings.  Every emotion has a physical manifestation.

Physical wellness is about encouraging us to care for our bodies through physical activities, proper nutrition and a strong mind.

Financial wellness is to learn to successfully control and manage our finances.

Spiritual wellness is to be in tune with our spiritual selves.  To experience peace and harmony and to have a set of guidelines  to live by. This includes religious faith, values, ethics and morals.

Social wellness refers to the building of healthy relationships, nurturing and having a supportive network of people.  To be able to connect with people at home, at work and in our neighbourhood.  To build and maintain positive relationships that add value to our lives and the lives of others.

Intellectual wellness encourages us to be involved in creative and mentally stimulating activities.

Environmental wellness involves taking time to enjoy our surroundings, to be aware of nature and to protect our environment.

Wellness seems to be common sense to some people but for others it has to be a conscious decision.

