Tasha's Fantastic Fudge
Tasha's Fantastic Fudge is a handcrafted product that will WOW your guests! Those who know it will fight over any spares!
Tasha will brainstorm with you, match your colours and organise printing and those gifts will be delivered to your venue! One less item to worry about.
From a simple piece of fudge beautifully packaged to hampers for that special someone.
Tasha's is our name and Fudge is our game.
We do it all
No order too big or too small
Pieces and bags
All with their tags
Ask for it by name
Or it wont be the same.
We supply:
Bespoke gifts Gifts for the table (Favors)
Type of Gifts: All things Fudge.
Fudge for the sweetie table.
Fudge for the gift on your table.
Hampers for your bridal teams.
Cut shapes, make fudge flavours and print tags.
Your gift arrives so all you have to do is give.
Online Shop: Online shop
We deliver
Contact Information
(083) 381 8483